About US

The original Dominican cigar, La Aurora has set the standard for premium craftsmanship since 1903. These handcrafted collections are curated to showcase La Aurora’s finest offerings and commemorate milestones achieved over the past 117 years.

107 Tobaccos of the World

Released in 2010, La Aurora 107 celebrates 107 years of dedication to crafting the finest Dominican cigars. Featuring tobacco from around the world, emphasizing La Aurora’s international commitment to excellence, expertise and integrity.

Anniversary Editions

Excellence demands time. Time provides experience. Experience brings legacy. The Anniversary Editions Collection brings La Aurora’s legacy of luxury to life with cigars expertly aged to celebrate the most meaningful milestones.

Family Reserve

Since 1903, La Aurora has stayed true to family values of honesty, integrity, and passion. The Family Reserve collection pays tribute to the generations that paved the way for over a century of cigar making excellence, and those who keep tradition alive today.

Time Capsule Blends

Crafted to stand the test of time, The Time Capsule Blends celebrate prominent years of cigar innovation and excellence in La Aurora’s history. Each blend in this collection is named for the year in which the wrapper originally appeared in La Aurora’s cigar offering.

Preferidos 1903

Among the most sought-after cigars in the world, the Preferidos 1903 collection is hand-crafted in small batches by expert torcedores with over 15 years of experience. Featuring premium, barrel-aged tobacco blends, these cigars are a true luxury.

León Jimenes

León Jimenes draws on the expertise of the first Dominican cigar makers and reimagines it for today, resulting in a distinctly modern brand crafted for a smooth, easy smoke.