Cigar aficionados have long appreciated the artistry and craftsmanship that go into creating these fine indulgences. Among the most cherished cigar shapes is the Robusto, a size that has captured the hearts of enthusiasts worldwide. In this guide, we will delve into what makes a Robusto cigar so special, how it compares to its counterpart, the Toro, and explore the offerings of La Aurora.

What is a Robusto Cigar?

A Robusto cigar is a specific type of cigar known for its dimensions, typically measuring 4 ¾ - 5 ½ inches in length with a ring gauge of 48 to 52. For OUR ROBUSTO CIGARS, the size is approximately 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50. This size is widely favored among cigar enthusiasts due to its balanced combination of flavor and strength.

Derived from the Spanish term signifying "strong," Robusto cigars are characterized by a higher proportion of filler compared to the wrapper. This composition lends them a robust flavor and enhanced strength, a result of their tightly packed construction featuring some of the finest tobaccos globally renowned for their rich taste.

  • Size and Dimensions: A classic Robusto cigar measures around 4 ¾ - 5 ½ inches in length and boasts a ring gauge of anywhere between 48-52.
  • Shape: Robusto cigars feature a cylindrical body with a rounded cap. This shape enhances the overall smoking experience, allowing for a comfortable grip.
  • Flavor Profile: Robusto cigars, known for their straight-sided Shape (Parejos), offer a complex flavor profile. Due to their thickness, the binder and filler play a more prominent role in determining the overall taste, surpassing the influence of the wrapper. This results in a potential range of mild to full-bodied experiences, contingent on the specific blend of tobacco used.

The Robusto Experience

One of the distinctive features of a Robusto cigar is its ability to produce a generous amount of smoke. This characteristic plays a vital role in the overall cigar appreciation. Additionally, a Robusto cigar offers an extended burn time, typically said to be lasting anywhere around 30-60 minutes, depending on the brand. OUR ROBUSTO CIGARS last for up to 60 mins. This stands in contrast to smaller cigars like Coronas, providing a more leisurely smoking experience for those with less time.

Robusto Vs. Toro: Unraveling The Differences

The choice between a Robusto and a Toro can be a nuanced decision. Both share similarities, yet each offers its own unique experience.

  • Size and Dimensions

When it comes to cigars, size matters. Toro cigars are recognized for their larger dimensions, usually spanning from 5 ⅝ to 6 inches in length, with a ring gauge typically around 46. However, some Toros can extend up to 6 1/2 inches and boast a ring gauge as wide as 54, which can vary based on the brand and country of origin. In contrast, Robusto cigars are known for their more condensed size, typically ranging from 4 ¾ to 5 ½ inches in length, with a ring gauge falling between 48 and 52.

  • Shape

While both cigars share a similar shape, with a cylindrical body and rounded cap, the Toro distinguishes itself by being slightly longer than the Robusto. This subtle difference can affect the overall feel and handling of the cigar.

  • Flavor Profile

In terms of flavor, Toro cigars offer a balanced flavor profile that develops gradually due to their larger size. In contrast, Robusto cigars, being smaller, provide a concentrated and robust flavor right from the start.

La Aurora's Robusto Cigar Collection

La Aurora proudly presents a selection of Robusto cigars that exemplify our commitment to excellence. With an array of wrapper and strength options, there is a Robusto cigar for every palate. Whether one prefers milder, medium, or full-bodied smoke, La Aurora's collection delivers a diverse range of options to explore.

Some of our popular Robusto cigars include:


THE LA AURORA CAMEROON 1903 features an Ecuadorian Cameroon wrapper, an Ecuadorian binder, and a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. This combination offers a well-balanced smoking experience with a medium-strength profile, delivering a harmonious interplay of sweetness and spice.

  • Shape: Robusto
  • Cigar Count: Box of 20
  • Smoke Time: 60 mins
  • Price: $140


THE LA AURORA PREFERIDOS 1903 PLATINUM boasts a refined blend featuring an Ecuadorian Cameroon wrapper, a Dominican Republic binder, and a combination of Dominican, Brazilian, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers. This composition yields a mild-strength cigar with pronounced notes of spice and coffee, promising a harmonious and enjoyable smoking experience.

  • Shape: Robusto
  • Cigar Count: Box of 18
  • Smoke Time: 60 mins
  • Price: $225


THE LA AURORA 100 AÑOS- Maduro features a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Brazilian binder, and a blend of Dominican Republic, Brazilian, and Nicaraguan fillers. This combination produces a medium-full-strength cigar with distinct notes of fruit and nutty flavors, delivering a robust and flavorful smoking experience.

  • Shape: Robusto
  • Cigar Count: Box of 25
  • Smoke Time: 60 mins
  • Price: $390


THE LEON JIMENES PRESTIGE showcases a Connecticut wrapper, an Ecuadorian binder, and a blend of Peruvian, Dominican, and Nicaraguan fillers. This composition results in a mild to medium-strength cigar, offering distinct notes of nutty and cocoa flavors.

  • Shape: Robusto
  • Cigar Count: Box of 20
  • Smoke Time: 60 mins
  • Price: $158


THE LA AURORA PREFERIDOS 1903 EMERALD boasts a Sumatra wrapper from Ecuador, a Dominican Republic binder, and a combination of Dominican Republic, Nicaraguan, Brazilian, and Peruvian fillers. This blend results in a medium-full strength cigar with pronounced notes of fruit and spice, delivering a robust and flavorful smoking experience.Shape: Toro and Robusto


  • Cigar Count: Box of 3, 5 and 18
  • Smoke Time: 90 mins
  • Price: $38 and $243 for a box of 3 and 18, respectively.


  • Cigar Count: Box of 18
  • Smoke Time: 60 mins
  • Price: $225

Why Is The Robusto Cigar So Popular?

The Robusto cigar has claimed its popularity due to its impeccable balance of flavor and strength, providing a satisfying smoking experience favored by enthusiasts. Moreover, its affordability makes it an accessible option for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers to the cigar world, further contributing to its esteemed reputation.

Final Notes

The Robusto cigar stands as a testament to the craftsmanship and dedication that go into creating these beloved indulgences. Its balanced dimensions, extended smoke time, and rich cultural significance make it a cherished choice for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. When it comes to Robustos, La Aurora's commitment to quality and tradition shines through, offering a collection that showcases the diversity and excellence that defines this cigar size. Explore THE WORLD OF ROBUSTO CIGARS and discover the perfect smoke for your palate.


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