Introduction To Maduro Cigars

Maduro cigars, a true connoisseur's delight, are defined by the dark wrapper leaf used in their production. But, to truly grasp the ESSENCE OF MADURO CIGARS, one must delve into the origins of their name: "Maduro" is a Spanish term signifying "mature" or "ripe." This term, however, is often misconstrued to imply strength when, in reality, it indicates ripeness.

These cigars are a sought-after pleasure in the world of cigar enthusiasts, distinguished by their deep, dark wrappers achieved through meticulous aging. The aging process yields an opulent hue and a unique sweetness in both taste and aroma, elevating the smoking experience. The hallmark of Maduro cigars is their noticeably darker wrapper, often resembling the rich shades of dark roasted coffee beans.

Development and Aging Process

Maduro cigars are a staple in the world of tobacco aficionados. These dark, oily beauties are known for their rich, full-bodied flavor and complex aroma. But what exactly makes a cigar a Maduro? It all comes down to the aging process. Unlike lighter cigars, maduros undergo a longer fermentation process than their counterparts, resulting in a darker, oilier wrapper that boasts a unique flavor profile. The fermentation process of Maduro wrappers is a delicate orchestration of controlled heating and the gentle introduction of moisture, transforming tobacco starches into sugars. This intricate process contributes to the enticingly oily finish and captivating sweetness that define Maduro cigars.

La Aurora Maduro Cigars - A Heritage Of Excellence

Enter the world of La Aurora: with a history dating back to 1903, La Aurora is the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. Our unwavering dedication to excellence and passion for tradition shines through in every MADURO CIGAR we create.

Indulging In La Aurora Maduro Cigars


Introducing the LA AURORA® MADURO 1985, the newest addition to the Original Blends Collection. This exceptional cigar celebrates the debut use of a Brazilian Maduro wrapper, enveloping a fusion of flavors within. Crafted with a Nicaraguan binder and filler, it promises a lush smoking experience, unraveling intricate notes of coffee and cocoa. The Brazilian Maduro 1985 unfurls as a luxurious journey of richness and earthiness, adorned with hints of pepper and almond, leading to a refined dark chocolate climax. Delicate interplays of coffee cream and tropical fruit undertones grace the palate, culminating in a vibrant and unforgettable finish. Choose from the sophisticated Churchill (RATED 90 BY CIGAR AFICIONADO), Toro, or Robusto shapes, available in a box of 20.


Honoring the legacy of founders Eduardo León Jimenes and Herminio León Jimenes, the LEÓN JIMENES® DOBLE MADURO, from the LEÓN JIMENES COLLECTION, is a meticulously crafted cigar aged for a minimum of three years, delivering robust tasting notes in a sturdier form. The rich, oily Brazilian Cubra wrapper is achieved through a double fermentation process, creating a palate that artfully balances sweetness and bitterness. With a blend of Cubra wrapper and filler from the Cibao Valley, Brazil, Nicaragua, and Peru, this cigar transforms from a medium-strength smoke to a milder one, harmonizing bright cocoa and tobacco flavors with hints of red citric notes. Discover this blend in Robusto and Churchill shapes, available in boxes of 25 each.


Experience the 100 AÑOS MADURO, a distinguished blend within the ANNIVERSARY EDITIONS COLLECTION, and a testament to luxury art through time-honored craftsmanship. Hand-selected from tobacco fields in the Dominican Republic, USA, Nicaragua, and Brazil, this cigar offers a harmonious fusion of flavors, showcasing full-bodied complexity. Revel in notes of woods, leather, and captivating almond, laying the foundation for a medium-to-full-bodied finale. Wrapped in Connecticut BroadLeaf and enriched with a Brazilian binder, the 100 Años Maduro comes in the shape of Robusto and is presented in a box of 25.

 107 USA

The LA AURORA 107® USA cigar, formerly recognized as the 107 Maduro, begins with hints of wood and spice complemented by a delicate touch of sweetness, transforming into a deep, velvety richness that embodies strength and invigoration. The dark, oily Connecticut broadleaf wrapper perfectly pairs with a Dominican Cibao Valley binder, deviating from the conventional Ecuadorian binder used in this collection. This distinctive combination results in a luxurious, subtly sweet smoke enriched with notes of roasted coffee and wood. Discover it in Belicoso (RATED 92 BY CIGAR AFICIONADO), Robusto, and Toro shapes, each elegantly presented in a box of 21 each.

Embracing the Maduro Experience

Appreciating the nuances of Maduro cigars extends beyond the initial selection, encompassing the realms of proper storage, smoking technique, and the art of pairing.

  1. Proper Storage and Aging: Proper storage is paramount to unlocking a Maduro cigar's potential. Storing these cigars in a controlled, humidified environment allows time to refine their flavors and complexities further, enhancing the overall smoking experience.
  2. How to Smoke and Savor Maduro Cigars: The art of smoking Maduro cigars involves a deliberate pace, allowing each draw to unfold its layers of richness. Engaging the senses by inhaling the aroma before lighting and paying attention to the subtleties of flavor can create a truly immersive experience.
  3. Pairing with Beverages: Pairing Maduro cigars with complementary beverages, such as rich cognac or aged rum, enhances the interplay of flavors, elevating both the cigar and the drink.

Lasting Impressions

Ultimately, Maduro cigars stand as a testament to the meticulous craft of tobacco, embodying a legacy that goes beyond the mere enjoyment of smoking. Their significance encompasses the artistry and mastery of cultivation, fermentation, and expertise, representing a culmination of generations' worth of knowledge. To savor a Maduro cigar is to engage in a dance of flavors, a harmonious blend that epitomizes the heights of taste and aroma. This journey of appreciation combines patience, technique, and an understanding of the interplay between flavors, creating an experience that resonates profoundly. With La Aurora as your guide, you're invited to embark on a voyage of luxury and taste, where each puff invites the celebration of life's extraordinary moments. Thus, as you light up and indulge, you immerse yourself in THE ALLURE OF MADURO CIGARS, igniting a sensory journey that bridges time, culture, and the sheer pleasure of indulgence.

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