With over 100 years of cigar-making experience, LA AURORA has become one of the more renowned cigar brands in the world, manufacturing some of the best premium cigar choices out there. But in a sea of stogies, what exactly makes us stand apart? When the cigar factory opened in 1903, the Dominican Republic wasn’t exactly known for its sticks. However, as the years passed, the Dominican Republic became one of the most advanced countries producing cigars. This is thanks to La Aurora and its factory, which Don Eduardo León Jimenes opened. Find out everything there is to know about this history-making cigar factory, its cigars, and why it’s superior to other cigar brands on the market.

Where are La Aurora cigars made?

Our high-quality cigars start at one of the world's most LEGENDARY MANUFACTURING FACTORIES in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros within the Dominican Republic. Non-smokers and smokers alike can appreciate the history of La Aurora, which happens to be the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. Those who make a reservation can visit the headquarters in this Caribbean country and soak up the company's history, which dates back to 1903. There, they can learn about the brand’s meticulous processes to ensure the best cigar possible, no matter the variety.

The tobacco is harvested and transported to the La Aurora factory, where it is then prepped, which involves a multi-step process of aging, fermentation, and de-stemming. Visitors can get a first-hand experience watching the experienced La Aurora cigar rollers in action, one of the major reasons visitors from all over the globe come to watch. Just check out our glowing TripAdvisor reviews with positive comments from cigar lovers and you'll see what we’re talking about.

Attention to detail is everything

If a brand churns out one fantastic batch of cigars, then all the following products they release must match that standard. At La Aurora, the dedication to details is everything, which is why the brand is so coveted by cigar aficionados and critics alike. Our rigorous quality assurance process is designed to achieve the same uniformity through every batch, and La Aurora cigars go through a whopping eight levels to ensure perfection:

  • Performance/operations to ensure the perfect draw and smoke
  • The look and shape of the cigar
  • Special features, which are defined by La Aurora’s master blender Manuel Inoa
  • Product standard compliance
  • Durability
  • Consumer quality check
  • Quality of product and service
  • Reliability

This process, combined with traditional customer service values and a unique customer experience, gives cigar lovers the confidence they need to come back again and again to La Aurora's high-quality cigars: whether it's a personal favorite or shoppers who are looking to try something new. Staff members are involved in each process the tobacco undergoes. From ensuring that the cigar has a flawless aesthetic to supervising a roll that’s never too loose or tight, there’s no step skipped in this artisanal process.

Often, cheaply made cigars will be poorly constructed, and the tobacco blends aren’t properly mixed. However, the La Aurora bunchers go the extra mile to remain extremely precise with their amounts and placement of tobacco leaves. Ultimately, this creates a smoother smoke and positive characteristics in cigar flavors and smell.

Family values

At many cigar factories, employees are seen purely as workers, being delegated one task to work within the cigar-making process.

However, La Aurora views our employees as family, exposing them to multiple tasks within the process as a way to invest in our employees' knowledge; allowing them to grow within the company and creating a team of experts.

This family approach should come as no surprise, as we've been a family business since Eduardo Leon Jimenes founded La Aurora in 1903.

Cigars that La Aurora is famous for

It’s no secret that as one of the most established and trustworthy options on the market, La Aurora is one of the best cigar brands for overall quality. The robust LA AURORA 100 AÑOS IN BELICOSO was once dubbed the best Dominican cigar in the world by Cigar Aficionado magazine. Its delightful flavor profile blends notes of wood, leather, dried fruits, and honey.

Our full-bodied PREFERIDOS were the first La Aurora cigars released by the factory, and they still remain one of the most popular and luxurious options today under the 1903 range. Available at various prices, the PREFERIDOS 1903 SAPPHIRE and EMERALD are two of the most affordable options - the Sapphire contains leather and nutty notes, while the Emerald is fruitier with hints of spices. For something a little sweeter with a medium strength, the PREFERIDOS 1902 RUBY TORO is a satisfying choice.

A cigar and drink pairing that really counts

Everyone knows that the right liquor can bring out the aromas and cigar flavors, and La Aurora decided to take it a step further and make our in-house rum. After all, when such a complex cigar is designed, it needs a proper drink to do it justice. Our E. LEÓN JIMENES 110 ANIVERSARIO RUM is first aged for eight years in a virgin American white oak barrel, which provides most of its flavor. Then, it’s aged in virgin French oak casks for another two years, adding even more character.

This rum pairs beautifully with a wide range of cigars and was dubbed “Rum of the Year” by USA Spirits Ratings and earned other accolades in competitions like the 2020 World Spirits Competition in San Francisco.

From our legendary factory and our eight-step process ensuring perfection to the family of experts who make it all happen and the family that knew their cigars could only be complemented by a rum of their own name, the La Aurora difference can only be understood by trying it for yourself.

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