The Best Dominican Cigars From La Aurora

The Best Dominican Cigars From La Aurora

Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic stands as a testament to natural splendor and cultural richness. Beyond its sun-kissed shores and lively communities, this island nation boasts a rich heritage of tobacco cultivation. Blessed with fertile soils and an ideal climate, the Dominican Republic has yielded some of the world's most sought-after tobacco leaves.In the wake of Cuba's trade embargo with the U.S. in the 1960s, a wave of cigar-making maestros with roots in Cuba's storied tobacco tradition sought solace in the Dominican Republic. This influx of expertise ushered in a new era of cigar craftsmanship, solidifying the Dominican Republic's position as a global powerhouse in the cigar industry.With a heritage spanning over a century, La Aurora has contributed to this legacy. Our dedication to the art of cigar-making is a testament to the craft's enduring values. In this exploration of the best Dominican cigars, we invite you to discover our offerings, where tradition meets innovation, resulting in cigars that are both classic and cutting-edge, and every draw beckons you to savor the essence of the Dominican Republic's finest tobacco, one that continues to captivate cigar enthusiasts worldwide, garnering numerous accolades and a loyal following.

Exploring La Aurora's Dominican Cigars:



To commemorate our 120th anniversary, we created a unique cigar that is a testament to the dedication and expertise of the entire La Aurora family. Crafted with a blend that showcases unprecedented teamwork, this cigar comes in four sizes, including Robusto, Toro, Gran Toro, and Churchill. Its tasting notes bring together delightful hints of cocoa and smoky flavors, skillfully complemented by the Dominican Habana 92 wrapper. With Dominican binder and fillers sourced from the Cibao Valley, this medium-full-strength cigar offers a balanced and refined smoking experience. For pairing, the La Aurora 120th Anniversary complements a range of beverages from rum and wine to coffee, whiskey, and bourbon. As for food, it pairs wonderfully with meat, pasta, and seafood, offering a truly versatile and enjoyable smoking experience.


Rolled in homage to the inaugural La Aurora creation, the No. 1 Double Figurado, featuring Don Eduardo's original clasp case design, this Dominican Puro is produced in small batches by Torcedores, each with over two decades of mastery. This ultra-premium cigar is a rarity, limited to just 2,500 boxes in the U.S. With a medium-dark strength and a DR Habano '92 wrapper, DR Olor binder, and a blend of Pilato Cubano, Olor Dominicano, and Corojo fillers, it delivers a super-premium, full-bodied smoking experience. The journey begins with cedar wood, smoky peppered cinnamon, and anise notes, gradually transitioning to sweet cocoa, creamy coffee beans, and a smooth vanilla finish. As the burn progresses, dry fruit and rich tropical notes emerge, complemented by subtle hints of wild honey and rich earth. Each draw unveils a unique flavor experience, culminating in a truly unforgettable celebration of our legacy.

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