LA AURORA, the Dominican Republic's oldest and most prestigious cigar brand, has been synonymous with top-quality tobacco products and exemplary craftsmanship for well over a century. Established in 1903 by Eduardo León Jimenes, a passionate tobacco enthusiast and entrepreneur, LA AURORA has consistently grown and evolved, maintaining an unwavering commitment to producing some of the finest, handcrafted cigars in the world. The company meticulously selects the tobacco leaves used in each cigar, ensuring that only the most exceptional ingredients comprise their transcendent final product. The artisans at La Aurora are true masters of their craft; the careful blending and construction of each cigar reflect the depth of experience and dedication to their art.
The brand is celebrating its 120th anniversary by going through a significant transformation. They have rebuilt their tabaquería to fully celebrate their heritage and enhance their tradition, prioritized tobacco education and learning as a team, grown and utilized more of their proprietary tobacco, made their US distribution more accessible and created the finest blend to mark the occasion.
The New Dawn Reformations at La Aurora
● Rebuilt Tabaqueria
Tabaquería here essentially means their cigar factory. La Aurora has made a significant change by rebuilding their tabaquería to better reflect their Dominican identity. The new facility offers tastings and tours, as well as a retail space where guests can purchase cigars. This allows cigar aficionados to connect more deeply with the brand and understand its history and craftsmanship.
● Education & Learning As a Team
La Aurora has always taken tobacco education seriously, but they've recently stepped up their game. The company hosts training and education programs for their employees, which include everything from tobacco cultivation to cigar making. This helps the team to form a unified understanding of the industry, ensuring that their entire staff is knowledgeable and well-informed about all aspects of the cigar-making process, which in turn, allows them to better create and improve their products. This translates into better cigars for cigar enthusiasts, as every cigar that comes out of La Aurora is made by someone who truly understands the craft.
● Grown & Utilized More Proprietary Tobacco
La Aurora has also made strides in growing more of their own proprietary tobacco. This allows the company to select only the best leaves for inclusion in their cigars. La Aurora works with the best growers in the Dominican Republic, ensuring that only top-notch tobacco plants are used to make their products. The company also utilizes a variety of curing methods, allowing them to create a unique and complex flavor profile for each cigar they produce.
● US Distribution Shift
La Aurora has made their cigars more widely available in the US by partnering with various retailers and tobacconists. They have established a dedicated team to assist retailers nationwide in expanding their cigar inventory. This provides cigar enthusiasts throughout the country with easier access to La Aurora's renowned quality and flavor that has been in existence since 1903.
Finest Blend To Mark The Occasion
To emphasize this new era at La Aurora, they have also created a special edition blend. La Aurora 120 Anniversary is a full Dominican puro covered with a Habana 92 seed leaf wrapper, which burns consistently and has a delightful fragrance. The filler tobacco is sourced from their own farms and trusted partners to create a rich and full-bodied smoking experience, and thanks to the rollers' developed understanding of the leaf, the flavor manages to stay balanced and refined despite its strength.
The cigar has a cedar aroma from aging, which blends smoothly with smoky peppered cinnamon and anise flavors. Sweet notes of cocoa and coffee slowly give way to a vanilla finish, balancing the bold start. As the cigar burns, nutty flavors become more prominent, balanced by subtle notes of wild honey and rich earth. The smoke ends on a memorable and balanced note. You can enjoy the La Aurora 120 Anniversary in four different sizes: Robusto (5x50), Toro (5 ¾ x 54), Gran Toro (6x58), and Churchill (7x47). These cigars pair well with coffee, rum, wine, whiskey, and bourbon. They can also be enjoyed with meat, seafood, and pasta.
Onward from the New Dawn
La Aurora has taken their cigar-making process to the next level by investing in education, growing more of their proprietary tobacco, and expanding distribution throughout the US. They have also created a special edition blend – the La Aurora 120 Anniversary – that is a full Dominican puro crafted with only top-notch tobacco leaves. With all of these changes within La Aurora, there's never been a better time, or blend, to experience what La Aurora has to offer. So, check out La Aurora at your local tobacconist and see for yourself why this company is one of the best in the business.