The Annual PCA Convention & International Trade Show, renowned as the most significant event in the premium tobacco industry, took center stage from July 7 to July 11, 2023. The prestigious venue for this grand gathering was the Venetian Convention & Expo Center, nestled in the vibrant city of Las Vegas, NV. Cigar aficionados, industry experts, manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, and distributors from all corners of the globe converged at this premier trade show to experience the finest offerings in the world of premium cigars.
As an integral part of this spectacular event, La Aurora, a distinguished brand steeped in history, tracing its origins back to its establishment in 1903, stood tall, making its presence felt. As a brand with a historic legacy and a reputation for crafting exquisite cigars, we were especially delighted to celebrate our 120th anniversary amidst the esteemed participants of this premier event.
The PCA 2023 Experience
PCA 2023, organized by the Premium Cigar Association, has always been the ultimate platform for showcasing the finest products in the cigar world. This year's event was no exception; it brought together the crème de la crème of the cigar industry, creating a momentous gathering that showcased the very best in premium cigars. The event was a testament to the significance of PCA in the cigar world.
Enthusiasts and industry professionals gathered to explore a remarkable array of products, including exclusive releases and limited editions. The event was a celebration of artistry, craftsmanship, and camaraderie within the premium cigar community. Moreover, the general ambiance and atmosphere of PCA 2023 hinted at the promising future of premium cigars, leaving an ineffaceable mark on the industry.
Our Exhibition At PCA 2023
At PCA 2023, we aimed to captivate our visitors with an immersive experience that truly reflected our heritage and craftsmanship. Our booth exuded a captivating ambiance that showcased the essence of La Aurora's journey over the past 120 years. At the heart of our exhibit was our latest masterpiece, the “La Aurora 120 Anniversary” cigar, which pays tribute to our remarkable journey of excellence. This exceptional blend boasts a Dominican 92 Havana wrapper, an Olor del Valle del Cibao binder, and a filler featuring Corojo, Olor, and Piloto Cubano tobaccos.
Beyond the “La Aurora 120 Anniversary”, we took pride in presenting a comprehensive display of our core product lineup, including:
- The revered La Aurora Preferidos Edición 1903
- The classic La Aurora Original Blends
- The bold La Aurora 107
- The innovative La Aurora Barrel Aged by Karl Malone
Our Impactful Presence
Our presence at PCA 2023 left an indelible mark, and we were honored to receive accolades and recognition. We were delighted to be awarded the prestigious Attendee Choice Best in Show Large Booth, a testament to our commitment to providing an exceptional experience to our valued customers and aficionados. The admiration we received from industry experts and attendees alike filled us with immense pride, and we are grateful for their kind words and support.
Designed with a radiant yellow theme, the booth showcased "The Leon Family creed," embodying our unwavering commitment to excellence and meaningful connections. On the booth's backside, a timeline highlighted our significant moments in history, reminiscent of the grander version found at the La Aurora museum in the Dominican Republic. The booth became a gathering place where enthusiasts and professionals immersed themselves in our brand's essence, experiencing the heritage, artistry, and philosophy that make La Aurora a distinguished name in premium cigars.
What The Press Is Saying
● Cigar Coop
"In terms of the products, La Aurora showcased a new offering that taps into its rich history. This year, the company is celebrating a major milestone – 120 years in business. Over the years, La Aurora has been known for its anniversary cigars, and this year was no exception."
● Halfwheel
"If I had been asked to name the best new large booth at PCA 2023, La Aurora would have been my vote, and it would not have been remotely close. I think there’s a strong argument that this was the best new booth regardless of any size."
Click HERE to see more from Manuel Inoa, the master blender of La Aurora, as he talks about the new 120th-anniversary cigar.
● Cigar Aficionado
"The La Aurora 120 Anniversary is made in the Dominican Republic at La Aurora S.A. and consists of only Dominican tobacco—a Habano ’92 wrapper, Olor binder and filler combination of Piloto Cubano, Olor and Corojo. "
Earlier this year, La Aurora made a significant decision to end a nearly three-decades-long distribution agreement with Miami Cigar & Co. This move was not fueled by any bad blood; rather, it reflects our earnest desire to take the brand to new heights in the U.S. market.
By establishing our own distribution company in the U.S., we aim to take full control of our brand's presence and growth strategy. This strategic decision aligns with our commitment to expanding our reach and connecting directly with our valued customers and retailers. We are grateful for the years of collaboration with Miami Cigar & Co., and this transition signals the beginning of an exciting new chapter for La Aurora in the U.S.
As we embark on this journey, our focus remains on producing premium cigars that embody the essence of our legacy while catering to the evolving tastes of cigar enthusiasts. Our core values of quality, craftsmanship, and innovation will continue to guide us as we explore new opportunities and expand our portfolio.
With this renewed approach to distribution and our dedication to crafting exceptional cigars, we are confident that La Aurora will flourish and find its place as a beloved and sought-after brand in the U.S. market. We look forward to the support and enthusiasm of our loyal customers and partners as we embark on this exciting venture.
Final Notes
PCA 2023 was undoubtedly a defining moment for the premium cigar industry, and we at La Aurora were thrilled to be a part of it. The addition of our “La Aurora 120 Anniversary” marked a milestone in our journey, celebrating 120 years of excellence and dedication to our craft. The significance of events like PCA in promoting and advancing the premium cigar industry cannot be overstated, and we are proud to be part of this cherished tradition.
As we reflect on our remarkable journey and the experience we shared at PCA 2023, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our customers, enthusiasts, and partners who have been part of our journey. Your support and passion for premium cigars inspire us to continue our pursuit of excellence, and we look forward to sharing many more unforgettable moments with you.