Cigar enthusiasts are always on the lookout for exceptional blends that deliver an unforgettable smoking experience. For this reason, La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar has gained widespread recognition and numerous accolades in the cigar industry. This commemorative release by La Aurora, the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, has captivated enthusiasts with its exceptional quality, captivating flavors, and impeccable craftsmanship. In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of the La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar, explore reviews from reputable sources, and highlight the prestigious recognition it has received. With its well-deserved acclaim, this cigar has established itself as a remarkable choice for aficionados seeking a memorable smoking experience.

But first, let's understand the essence of why La Aurora stands as the center of Dominican cigar culture.

Highlights of La Aurora's History

La Aurora, established in 1903, has become a symbol of endurance and excellence in the cigar world. As one of the Dominican Republic's oldest and most prestigious cigar manufacturers, its decades-long journey underscores the family's steadfast dedication to crafting cigars of unparalleled quality. Founder Eduardo León Jimenes initiated a legacy, even in the face of political tension, that spans generations, driven by his passion for tobacco and the creation of exceptional cigars. Under third-generation leader Guillermo León Herbert in 1987, the family embraced modern advancements while preserving La Aurora's rich heritage. This blend of tradition and innovation remains central to their enduring success.

In 2003, La Aurora celebrated its centennial, a testament to the family's commitment to crafting cigars of unmatched excellence over time. This dedication, rooted in generational values, paved the way for their ongoing legacy. Additionally, the expertise of Master Blender Manuel Inoa, starting in 2011, highlights La Aurora's dedication to quality. His skill in blending and aging tobacco has consistently produced extraordinary cigars, reflecting the family's unwavering pursuit of perfection.

Today, La Aurora stands as the pinnacle of cigar excellence, a culmination of a century of dedication, innovation, and passion. The family's unwavering commitment to producing the highest-quality cigars has solidified their global leadership. From meticulous cultivation and fermentation to expert blending and aging, each step of their journey exemplifies their stalwart resolve and commitment. Amid fleeting trends, La Aurora's enduring legacy symbolizes tradition, craftsmanship, and unwavering quality. From 1903 to the present, their journey narrates a remarkable tale of resilience, innovation, and an unrelenting quest for cigar excellence, captivating enthusiasts worldwide.

La Aurora 115 Anniversary Cigar

To begin with, La Aurora's 115th Anniversary cigar is a real work of art created to celebrate the brand's 115th anniversary. This commemorative blend showcases La Aurora's dedication to creating unique and memorable smoking experiences. Expertly handcrafted by skilled artisans, this cigar features a meticulously selected Ecuadorian wrapper accompanied by Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. The result is a harmonious composition of flavors that captivate the palate. If you're a cigar enthusiast, you owe it to yourself to try La Aurora 115 Anniversary. This cigar is a testament to the craft and expertise of the La Aurora cigar factory and its commitment to producing exceptional cigars that live up to its legacy.

Flavor Profile & Smoking Experience

La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar delivers a captivating flavor profile that delights the senses. Upon lighting, enthusiasts can expect a burst of complex flavors, including notes of rich cedar, subtle spice, and hints of roasted coffee. The blend strikes a harmonious balance between strength and smoothness, allowing for a well-rounded smoking experience and leaving a pleasant aftertaste that lingers. The construction of the cigar is flawless, with a seamless wrapper, firm draw, and an even burn. This ensures a consistent and pleasurable smoking session from start to finish. The medium-to-full-bodied nature of the La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar appeals to both seasoned connoisseurs and those seeking a bolder flavor profile.

Recognition & Reviews

La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar has received numerous prestigious accolades, further cementing its reputation as an exceptional blend. Notably, it earned the number one spot on the list of best of best cigars by "Cigar and Spirits" Magazine. And it was more recently designated as the "Pick of the Week" for March 6th-12th by Cigar Journal, a highly respected publication in the cigar industry. Garnering significant recognition and praise within the tobacco world, other accolades received by La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar include:

"Leaf Enthusiast" Blog
The regular edition of La Aurora 115 Anniversary was awarded an impressive score of 9 out of 10. The blog describes it as a very pleasant cigar, showcasing its overall quality and appeal.

“Cigar and Spirits" Magazine (September/October)

The La Aurora 115 Anniversary Regular Edition Toro secured the top spot on the list of the best cigars of 2019. It earned an exceptional score of 95 points from the magazine, underscoring its outstanding attributes.

"Cigar Journal"

The Robusto format of the La Aurora 115 Anniversary was recognized among the 25 best cigars of 2019 by "Cigar Journal," further highlighting its excellence.

"Blind Man’s Puff" (October)

This publication awarded the La Aurora 115 Anniversary with a commendable score of 90 points, indicating its consistent quality and appeal.

Influencer Delicia's List

The La Aurora 115 Anniversary was featured as the second-best cigar on influencer Delicia's list of the five best cigars of 2019, solidifying its position as a standout cigar.

La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar has also received positive reviews from The Cigar Authority and Cigar Coop for its complexity and richness. Smokers can expect notes of cedar, spice, coffee, and a touch of sweetness, creating a well-balanced and satisfying experience. The cigar's construction is consistently praised, with a smooth draw and an even burn that further enhances the enjoyment, showing the cigar's exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Its recognition across multiple prestigious publications and platforms underscores its status as a top-tier and celebrated cigar within the industry.


If you're looking for a cigar to celebrate a special occasion or just want to indulge in a luxurious smoking experience, La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar is a wise choice. The cigar is available in four sizes: a Belicoso (6.25x52), a Gran Toro (6x58), a Toro (5.45x54), and a Robusto (5x50). Each size is carefully crafted with a unique tobacco blend to create a medium to full-bodied cigar with a complex flavor profile that burns and draws perfectly for a smooth and rich smoke.

It is priced around $10-18 per stick. It's definitely on the higher end of the price range, but the quality and craftsmanship make it worth every penny. Enthusiasts interested in trying this celebrated blend are encouraged to visit authorized La Aurora retailers or reputable cigar shops to inquire about its availability.

Final Notes

As a cigar aficionado, there's nothing quite like discovering a new blend that takes your taste buds on a journey of complex flavors. As such, it's no surprise that the La Aurora 115 Anniversary cigar has received many accolades from cigar publications and aficionados. La Aurora's commitment to crafting memorable smoking experiences shines through in every aspect of this cigar, from its carefully selected tobacco components to its captivating flavor profile. Cigar enthusiasts seeking a memorable and elevated smoking experience will find the La Aurora 115 Anniversary blend to be a remarkable choice.

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