La Aurora, a premium cigar brand based in the Dominican Republic, has a long history that dates back to 1903. For cigar aficionados, La Aurora is a name that translates to high quality, consistency, and tradition. But what makes La Aurora cigars special is not just the quality of its products, but also the legacy of a family that has been making cigars for over four generations. Each cigar that leaves La Aurora's factory is a testament to the dedication and passion of a family that takes pride in every detail of the cigar-making process.
The History Of La Aurora Cigars
For over a century, the La Aurora brand has been a mainstay in the world of premium cigars. Founded in 1903 by Eduardo León Jimenes in the Dominican Republic, La Aurora quickly established a reputation for producing exceptional handcrafted cigars. Today, it is still a family-owned and operated business, with Guillermo's son, Guillermo León, serving as the company's president, and the brand boasts an IMPRESSIVE RANGE OF COLLECTIONS, including the award-winning PREFERIDOS, ANNIVERSARY, TIME CAPSULE, RESERVE, and FAMILY BLEND cigars. Each collection is meticulously crafted, using only the finest tobaccos and traditional techniques, to deliver a truly unparalleled smoking experience for cigar aficionados and novices alike.
The Family Blend Collection
La Aurora's Family Blend collection is a tribute to the generations of family members who have kept the tradition of cigar-making alive, and each blend is a testament to the family's commitment to excellence.
- Guillermo León
Guillermo León Herbert, the current president of La Aurora and the grandson of the founder, is a true cigar enthusiast. To honor him, La Aurora crafted a personalized cigar that has become his everyday smoke. Made with a double binder for balance, THIS FULL-BODIED BLEND is both spicy and bold. What makes this cigar truly unique is its complexity of flavors. Notes of cocoa, coffee, and leather come to life with each draw. The Ecuador Habano wrapper, Dominican Republic and Cameroon binder, and Colombian and Nicaraguan filler all come together to create an unforgettable smoking experience that is offered in three shapes - Belicoso, Corona Gorda, and Robusto.
- Fernando León
This masterful blend in celebration of Fernando León earned a spot on Cigar Aficionado's top 25 cigars of 2013. Boasting a blend of leaves from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador, it creates a perfect balance of sweet, spicy, and woody notes. The cigar is wrapped in Corojo from Ecuador and bound with tobacco from the Dominican Republic. This MEDIUM-TO-FULL-BODIED CIGAR is available in three different shapes. What makes this cigar even more special is that it was previously only made for Fernando and his close family and friends, making it a true connoisseur's delight.
- León Jimenes Series 300
The LEÓN JIMENES COLLECTION is more than just a line of quality cigars - it's a tribute to a legacy. The story of its founder, Eduardo León Jimenes, and his brother, Herminio León Jimenes, is one of hard work, dedication, and a deep appreciation for the traditions that set La Aurora's cigars a step above the rest. This collection is the perfect embodiment of those values - each cigar is crafted with care and precision, using only the best ingredients and techniques.
The LEÓN JIMENES SERIES 300 is the perfect embodiment of the Family Blend collection and a testament to the passion and expertise of its makers. Crafted in celebration of the brand’s 20th anniversary, these cigars are aged an extra 300 days to ensure that each tobacco leaf has time to develop its full potential, hence the name. Eduardo León Jimenes, the founder of La Aurora, fell in love with the Cameroon wrapper early on in his career and the León Jimenes Series 300 is a tribute to his love for the leaf. The blend showcases the best of the Cameroon leaf, known for its rough texture and flavor complexity. The binder is sourced from Nicaragua, while the filler is a thoughtful combination of tobacco from Peru, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua. The result is a bold, flavorful smoke with a mild-medium body. The Series 300 is offered in two shapes, the Belicoso and the Robusto, both in boxes of 25.
The Legacy
La Aurora is not just a brand; it's a family legacy that has been passed down from generation to generation, each one building on the success of the previous one. Each member of the León family is involved in the cigar-making process, from growing the tobacco to rolling the cigars. This hands-on approach ensures that every cigar that leaves the factory meets the high standards of the León family and will continue to do so for generations to come.